renowned as the world's most expensive spice, is meticulously graded based on
various factors that influence its quality, flavor, and aroma.
In a general classification, saffron can be divided into four categories:
Saffron processing is a meticulous and labor-intensive craft that involves several
intricate steps to transform the delicate red stigmas of the Crocus sativus
flower into the highly prized spice known as saffron. The process begins with
the careful cultivation of saffron flowers, usually in autumn. Harvesting is a
delicate task, as each flower yields only three tiny red stigmas, or threads,
which are the coveted saffron strands.
The picked saffron threads
then undergo a drying process to reduce moisture content and enhance their
shelf life. This drying process is often done in controlled conditions to
preserve the spice's vibrant color, distinct flavor, and aromatic properties.
Dubai, UAE
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